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LBNCA_Image and LBNCA_SelImage

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 5:50 am
by mritter0
LBNCA_Image (struct Image *)
LBNCA_SelImage (struct Image *)
Specifies that the column should contain an image. The
selected image is optional and if not provided the LBNA_Image
will be rendered in the IDS_SELECTED state when the node is

Defaults to NULL.
If I supply 2 PNG images it works as expected.

If I supply 1 LabelClass and 1 PNG it works as expected.

If I supply 1 PNG and 1 LabelClass
If I supply 2 LabelClass "images" it does not. It still uses IDS_SELECTED state. Is the gadget not seeing the labels as images?

I use the Labels for custom text colors and soft styles.

I set the LBNCA_FillPen to 0 so the row appears to not be selected. I don't want any visible selection to be made, just the images changing.

Re: LBNCA_Image and LBNCA_SelImage

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:22 pm
by broadblues
When you say PNG I presume you mean bitmap.image ?

So when you pass a lable.image as the selected image you get nothing rendered? Or it still renders the standard image? Try resizing the window, does the imagery change then? Or get corruptted due to missing image?

Seems odd.

Need an example of code to give beter feedback.

However, from the description of what you are trying todo, I'd think you should be using renderhooks.

Re: LBNCA_Image and LBNCA_SelImage

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:58 pm
by mritter0
The images are displayed, but not rendered correctly. When use 2 bitmap.images, when click on a node with them, the second image is shown and no visible selection of the line is made (no blue fillpen). That is what is should do. Just swap images and show no selection.

But with the label.images, they swap, but show the visible blue selection (IDS_SELECTED). It shouldn't. The label.images aren't being treated the same as bitmap.images.